Power of Play

Power of Play

December 04, 20233 min read

moms unfiltered

we judge everything (honestly)

Power of Play

"Play is the highest form of research." - Albert Einstein

Ditch the Worksheets, Embrace the Cardboard Castles: Why Play is the Ultimate Parenting Hack

We've all been there: drowning in a sea of plastic toys, sick of stepping on legos (and yelling out swear words...), desperately Googling "educational activities for toddlers" at 3 am while simultaneously questioning our sanity (and caffeine intake).

But fear not, sleep-deprived mombies, we're here to help you ditch the flashcards and embrace the power of play. Yes, that messy, chaotic, screen-free wonderland where imagination reigns supreme and cardboard boxes become spaceships.

Benefits of play to help your child learn:

1. It's brain food, not broccoli.

Forget rote memorization and forced learning. Play sparks creativity, problem-solving skills, and critical thinking – all while your kiddo is busy having a blast. Think building forts, staging elaborate puppet shows, or conducting kitchen science experiments with baking soda and vinegar (because who doesn't love a good eruption?).

2. It's the foundation for lifelong learning.

Playful kids become curious adults. They're the ones who ask "why?" ten times a day, who aren't afraid to experiment, and who approach challenges with a "let's build something awesome" attitude.

3. It lets you say YES more.


No more power struggles over educational apps. Play is pure, unadulterated fun. It melts away meltdowns, replaces tantrums with giggles, and gives you a much-needed break from the daily grind.

Badabing-badaboom: instant cool mom. Plus, watching your kiddo's imagination soar is enough to melt even the most hardened millennial heart.

4. It can be cheap AF!

You can ditch Pinterest-perfect playdates and embrace messy, spontaneous adventures. That's the beauty about play...its an action, not yet another "thing."

Play doesn't require fancy toys or expensive outings. It thrives on cardboard boxes, empty Tupperware containers, and a healthy dose of "let's see what happens if..." Look, life is expensive these days...especially for parents, so save yourself some scratch and let your inner child out!

However, if you are looking for some educational games or activities, we'll share some of our affordable favorites below if you're looking to update your reserves!

Moms Unfiltered Certified Cool Stuff 😎

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We only recommend products we genuinely believe in and have researched thoroughly. Our goal is to share with you some of the things we've found over the years and have loved.

We promise to always be transparent and unfiltered about affiliate links and never endorse anything we wouldn't use ourselves. Your trust is important to us, and, afterall, our whole mantra here at Moms Unfiltered is that we judge everything (honestly).

So, thanks for supporting our little corner of the internet! If you are looking for some educational games or activities, here's some of our affordable favorites if you're looking to update your reserves:


And remember, you don't have to be Martha Stewart or Mr. Rogers to make playtime epic. Just bring your sense of silliness, a willingness to get down on the floor, and maybe a mop for the inevitable glitter explosion (smh...). You've got this...Now go and play!

xo, Moms Unfiltered

😎 Disclaimer: forget those fancy parenting books and baby whisperers. We're self-proclaimed experts in the "School of Hard Knocks" and proud graduates of "Mommy University." Our qualifications? Well, we've survived more tantrums than you can count, and we can fold a fitted sheet in under three minutes (sometimes). This blog shares our opinion, experiences and tips that have worked for us; not everyone's experiences will be the same (obvi).

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Moms Unfiltered

We’re Kelly and Linda, the unfiltered moms behind the scenes; figuring out parenthood one day at a time, and laughing every step of the way. We’ve got 6 kids between us, ranging from 10 years old, down to 6 months old - all with wildly different personalities, interests, needs, and learning styles, so we’ve got sh!t to share! Sooooo, basically, welcome to the Moms Unfiltered club, where we break free from the outdated parenting tactics we grew up with and embrace a new era of mindful and HONEST connection with our kids. All while laughing at ourselves along the way.

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